

Become a member

Become a member and support the fight for an equal society free from violence!

Here’s how to become a member:

  1. Pay your membership fee of 100 SEK to our pg account 165049-4 or Swish to 123 331 1107 Write your name and your email in the message field.
  2. Fill out this form.
  3. Done!

As a member of Fempowerment, you can be involved and influence our work. You can get involved in Fempowerment’s organization and future, take part in our volunteer trainings, join our board and not least find community. Your membership is extremely important for us to continue to be a strong voice for an equal society without violence.

Become a volunteer

Do you want to engage with Fempowerment? Do you identify yourself as a woman or non-binary? Are you over 18 and speak another language in addition to the Nordic languages ​ and English?

We offer several different ways to get involved as a volunteer, depending on your own interests and background. For example, we have many law students who are involved in giving legal advice in our support help line. If you are a star on social media and design, the Communication Group can be something for you. Of course, the different roles can be mixed – we have room for everyone!

Send a short presentation of yourself to info@fempowerment.se and tell us about yourself and why you want to become a volunteer.

All volunteers take part in a basic training that includes norms, intersectionality, men’s violence against women, family law, asylum law, honor-related violence and oppression, etc.

As a Support volunteer one works primarily with providing support and advice to people whom contact us. It can be by phone calls, our chat, as well as in personal meetings in our office.

Our Legal advisor volunteers work together with our coordinator to provide legal support and advice to women, girls and non-binaries subjected to domestic violence. This means, among other things, assisting and providing support in contact with authorities such as the social services, the Migration Board, the Enforcement Authority, the police and the court.

As raising awareness about domestic violence is a big part of our work, we appreciate when volunteers join us when we lecture. Everyone can help us spread information about domestic violence! We organize courses in presentation technique to provide our volunteers with tools for the situation.

Join our communication team, which is run by a volunteer in consultation with our communicator. Together, we plan and create communication. If you think social media is fun or like to create (draw, design, etc.), this is the group for you!

Become a sponsor

Does your company or organization want to contribute to Fempowerment? Become our sponsor or partner. We are happy to accept large and small donations both in the form of financial contributions, equipment and other services etc.  You can donate to our Plus-giro account 1650490- 4 or Swish to 123 331 1107.

If your company is interested in supporting and/or collaborating with our organization – contact us at info@fempowerment.se.


Do you want to contribute to our organization? Here’s how to do it!

Swish or pay your contribution to our PG 1650490–4 or 123 331 1107 Swish!

Feel free to write something about why you want to support us in the message field!